Monday, February 28, 2011

2 Rice Bowls - wheel thrown, recycled clay, Oxidation fired, shellacked surface, celadon glaze with iron oxide stain and dk red underglaze

A pair of rice bowls.  I shellacked the patterned areas after bone dry and then washed away leaving a raised pattern which was exposed after bisque firing.  I stained the exterior of both bowls with iron oxide and wiped off the raised areas and then dipped in celadon.  Because the color in the celadon glaze is from iron oxide the stain did not show.  I also brushed in some center decoration in the bowls with red underglaze.  I really like the surface texture and patterns of both these bowls, however the shellacking and washing take a lot of time and effort, especially with recycled clay.  I'm trying to think of other ways, less laborious to achieve this same aesthetic with less work.  Perhaps adding coils or stamping the patterns would be easier.

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