Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thrown vase, Dundee red, reduction fired

 This vase actually was intended to be a pitcher but as I was collaring in the neck after bellying out the body, the piece began to collapse because the walls were too thin.  So had to cut off the top.  I was able to salvage the piece by creating this nice vase shape,  The glazing was done by pouring some MD shino and blowing to get a thin layer and then dipping in pearl.  Waxing the pearl/shino areas and then redipping in toffee.  The interior is celadon.  The celadon dripped out in one area around the rim - I like the contrast of this celadon with the toffee/pearl and pearl/shino.  Some of the dk reddish/brown areas are unglazed bare clay which also add visual interest to the piece.

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