Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ride On - tile set, carved bmix slabs, Cream Rust glaze, wiped off thinly

I made a tile / coaster set using a bicyle-themed motif that I designed.  It was intended as a set of 6 coasters and a box, but I forgot about shrinkage during firing, and so the box ended up being too small.  Now I use it as a business card holder.  I rolled and cut 1/4" slabs from BMIX clay and then carved into them for the motif; aslo imprinted bicycles using a plastic pin that I had.  The glaze is Cream Rust, wiped off thinly and reduction fired.  The glaze is actually a swirly blue color when thick, but turns this rusty metallic color when thin.  For the box, I stained the recessed areas with Copper Carbonate which yielded the blackened matte areas.  The cream rust glaze actually brightens and becomes a glossy golden color some areas where it breaks over edges which is kind of interesting.

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